====== Fallacies Videos ====== Since the start of the project I was experimenting with different ways to communicate this, admitedly rather abstract, topic. The YouTube channel [[youtube>@DenkfehlerOnline|Denkfehler Online]] is the latest iteration of this. The plan is to fill it with educational videos explaining the basics of fallacies and how to avoid them. The channel ist (for now) in German only, but an English version may still follow. ===== Recent videos ===== * [[yt>K4pME9FJK9Q?si=SahwEEv0OB6VPIhL|Wenn gleiches nicht gleich ist – Mehrdeutigkeit, Teil 1: Äquivokation]] * [[yt>JGayYxMOLfk?si=f2mE0QHk1p55nEXc|Gesagt ist nicht gleich gemeint – Mehrdeutigkeit, Teil 2: Extension und Intension]] * Part 3 of my small series on ambiguity is currently in preparation.