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Sascha’s Wiki

This is the homepage of Sascha's personal Wiki. This site is very much a mess still, as I'm still working on the site settings and many other issues, but feel free to visit the sections that are already kind of working:


Fallacies Online

An attempt to collect, categorise and explain common fallacies in logic, rhetoric and most generally in thinking.

  • Denkfehler Online – the German version of the above (much more developed than the English one)
  • YouTube Channel (German) – an attempt to explain certain fallacies better in a video format. In its early stages and (for now) in German only.

DokuWiki Templates and Plugins

A collection of templates and plugins for DokuWiki. Mainly developed for my wiki projects (see above).

  • Ad-Hominem template – a lightweight but feature-rich DokuWiki template. This is used on (almost) all my sites, including this one.
  • Nuropa template – an experimental template that is pretty much still “work in progress”.
  • Ad-Hoc HTML Plugin – a plugin that enables HTML tags directly in DokuWiki source code in a safe way.

More to come…

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