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index [2024/10/03 09:38] saschaindex [2024/11/17 19:37] (current) admin
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 A collection of templates and plugins for DokuWiki. Mainly developed for my wiki projects (see above). A collection of templates and plugins for DokuWiki. Mainly developed for my wiki projects (see above).
-    * [[projects:dokuwiki:ad-hominem|Ad-Hominem template]] – a lightweight but feature-rich DokuWiki template. This is used on (almost) all my sites, including this one. +    * **[[projects:dokuwiki:ad-hominem-template|Ad-Hominem template]]** – a lightweight but feature-rich DokuWiki template. This is used on (almost) all my sites, including this one. 
-    * [[projects:dokuwiki:nuropa|Nuropa template]] – an experimental template that is pretty much still “work in progress”.+    * **[[projects:dokuwiki:nuropa-template:index|Nuropa template]]** – an experimental template that is pretty much still “work in progress”.
     * [[projects:dokuwiki:ad-hoc-html|Ad-Hoc HTML Plugin]] – a plugin that enables HTML tags directly in DokuWiki source code in a safe way.      * [[projects:dokuwiki:ad-hoc-html|Ad-Hoc HTML Plugin]] – a plugin that enables HTML tags directly in DokuWiki source code in a safe way. 

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