User Tools


This is where I am documenting some of the projects that I am working on:

Ad Hominem

My main project since a few years now: a website to document fallacies and errors in thinking of all sorts. Despite the long time (and a lot of articles written), it's still a work in progress. But it is progressing …


The original website at “” has been demoted to a simple overview site. The actual wiki can be found under the following addresses:

Video channel

  • Denkfehler Online on YouTube is a German-language educational video channel with simple explanations on some of the topics (new and also still “work in progress”).

Development projects

Most of my sites run on DokuWiki, a simple and easy to use yet powerful wiki system, which takes a lot of routine tasks off my hands without causing too much overhead for administration. However, from time to time I noticed things where I thought: “There must be a better way!”. This gave rise to the following templates and plugins:

  • The Ad-Hominem Template is still named after the original website. It is a somewhat tidier version of the DokuWiki standard template, with some additional features, such as user-controlled “dark mode”, improved printing, and much more.
  • The Ad-Hoc HTML plugin allows you to enter HTML tags directly in the DokuWiki editor. It uses a somewhat simplified syntax that can save yourself a lot of typing, especially for classes and language specifications.
    This plugin is kept as minimalistic as possible but allows add-on plugins to extend it:
    • Ad-Hoc HTML does not contain any CSS code. How the HTML tags are displayed is up to the wiki administrator. The Ad-Hoc Wrap Plugin provides such styles and also adds the tags of the popular Wrap Plugin.
    • DokuWiki already contains markup for tables, so the necessary tags are not included in the Ad-Hoc HTML plugin. Those who need customised HTML tables can install the Ad-Hoc Tables plugin as an add-on.
    • Very few wiki operators will ever use MathML code in their pages. If you are one of them, you can enable the required tags by installing the Ad-Hoc MathML plugin.

More to come …

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