User Tools

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Nuropa: Toolbar

The Nuropa template features a global toolbar at the top of the page, which combines all the relevant tools and site info in one place.

See the following screenshot for a quick preview:

Figure 1: The Nuropa toolbar

Figure 1: The Nuropa toolbar

The toolbar has two main section, each with different tools and purposes:

  1. The user-configurable section on the left-hand side contains:
    • Two hooks for importing static snippets (here shown as red “pre” and “post” blocks)
    • A configurable tool, which can show either:
      • The user information menu (or the “Log in” button if no user is logged in, as in the example above)
      • The translations menu, if the Translation plugin is installed.
  2. The tools list, showing a dynamic list of available page or site tools
    • An overflow menu (shown as »), which gets populated if there is not enough space to show all tools.

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